Sunday, October 7, 2012

Dog Hoarders

Last night I was looking for something to watch on Netflix and came across a series called 'Confessions: Animal Hoarding' and I couldn't believe what I was seeing! People that have an excessive amount of animals, especially dogs that they had somehow accumulated. Most started with two or three and end up with more than the average person could possibly handle. The biggest problem I think there is, is not getting their animals spayed or neutered and getting attached to and not re-homing the new puppies. I think it could be really easy to become a pet hoarder but not so easy to take care of a lot of animals all at the same time. Seriously, how much attention can someone give 10, 20 or more pets?! What I seen on this show was a lot of serious abuse and neglect from owners that really didn't realize they were abusing or neglecting and thinking that no one else would or could take care of these animals or love them as much as they did. A lot of the homes where these animals were, weren't even clean enough for an animal to live in and would cause the owners serious medical problems. The other thing that caught my attention was the massive amounts of money people would spend on dog food and toys but no veterinarian care. Putting the dogs first and making sure they had enough dog food to feed these large broods before they would buy food for themselves or for their own family to eat. That makes no sense to me at all. If a human doesn't take care of their own needs and health first, how can they take care of any animal? If pet hoarding is a priority over their own health, there is always the possibility that these people might end up not being able to take care of their 'pets' and ending up having to be hospitalized, or some maybe even dying, with no one knowing these pets exist and a massive amount of animals dying of starvation or disease.

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