Sunday, October 7, 2012

Stray Dogs

I used to live in a house on a secluded corner, between two stop signs where it was convenient for people to drop off animals, especially dogs. I would wake up a lot of mornings and find empty containers that had food in them and a puppy or dog wandering around outside. On occasion, when I wasn't home, I would come home and find a dog tied to my front porch. Sadly enough, there was a highway not far from the house and I'd find a lot of cats or dogs that would get hit by cars and trucks and I would end up burying them, just because someone wanted an animal and then changed their mind, deciding it would be better to drop it off and forget about it. I would always check to make sure and see if the dog had a collar or tags, a lot of the time they didn't have anything at all. I would take pictures, make flyers for 'found dog' and post them around local businesses and put an ad in the newspaper. The newspaper here will let you put an ad in for free if an animal is found. Not a lot of people would come forward and claim their dog. I would try to find homes for the drop offs. I would call the local shelters and the pound to see if anyone was looking for them and if they could take the dogs. Usually there was no one looking for them and there would be a waiting list to get the dogs somewhere safe, where they could be properly taken care of, so I would keep them until there was room for them. I moved a couple years ago,unfortunately the people that moved into my old house have the same problem I did with drop offs and strays. I am still trying to understand why people would do this to an animal, hoping that maybe it would get lucky and someone would take it. Probably not considering that it might get hit by a car or truck, it could get in a fight with a wild animal and have a violent ending. why they would shirk the responsibility off on to someone they don't even know? What always made people think that someone else would or could take care of their unwanted pets ? If you have a dog and he seems a little unruly or untrainable and you're thinking about dropping it off somewhere, consider obedience training, working with your dog just a little bit more or finding a home for him yourself. Keeping a puppy and keeping up with the proper care and training of one is rewarding and well worth the effort!

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